Pirates were the real robbers of the medieval era, who had a lot of weapons in their hands like buckler, cutlass, dagger and dirk. They were willing to rob other transporting goods on the water during the early 1650-1720 which we call ‘golden age of piracy’; however, other eras were also not free from piracy.
Pirates always targeted ships and threatened the people who were in the vessels. Some of them were authorized by the government to attack the treasures ships of enemy nations. The government-authorized raiders were known as privateers. In early sixteenth and seventeen century, there had been different types of privateers, who had some share with the government.
Francis Drake was one of the most famous sea robbers in the 17th century, and he belonged to England. He was very dangerous, and he attacked Spanish ships so many times. Moreover, he shared profits with Elizabeth who provided full support to him. The life of such raiders in a ship was so easy and attractive, and they had their own laws. The crew was treated much better than normal sailors and price money was shared equally. They had their ships, which were very powerful and fast. They were needed to navigate in shallow coastal waters.
Besides, there were some real robbers also, which used to wear unique style pirate costumes, shirts, boots and other outfits. Jolly Roger was one of the most famous pirates in early 17th century, and he used death symbols in ship logos. He gained the fame quickly at that time, and he designed his own version of the flag. He was always ready to flow the flag high, which consisted of the design of the human skull along with two long bones. This design was also used by several pirates like Captain Edward of England and John Taylor. Moreover, black symbol always used to frighten other enemies. The life of such real pirates used to be very hard.
In the modern times, a number of films were also made, which are inspired by these raiders. For instance, “Pirates of the Caribbean” is a series of adventure, which is focused on the sea robbers of early 17th century. The inspiration of the raiders can be further witnessed in the modern-age pirate clothing also, which is made using the combination of medieval style and modern Hollywood style of the aforesaid films. This clothing has become the fashion-statement for the people in the modern age. click here for more info about pirates clothing.
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